
Random shoutOUT!

For those who have no idea who he is, if interested, do a google search on him!

For those who knows him, yet he doesn't know you (like me) hahahaha.... *wind blows* I mean I had random strong impulses to buy clothes but this is like the first time in my life that I've bought thinking crazily about him. (yesh, people here's the newsflash: I'm a nutter and have been a nutcase for him for about 5 years) He's sweet, caring, loving and his smile just tends to make summer extra hot! And do note all of the above, there's proof of those via his actions (not just words) on and off TV airings. Honestly, I'm pretty disappointed when he said he likes older women and has dated one recently. *sighs and plays Baek Ji Young- Like Being Hit By A Bullet* *then puts this song on repeat*

ANYWAYS, just wanted to show you the cropped tee which I wouldn't have gotten if it weren't for those lovely lovely words. Oh yeah, sometimes I do like to go offline shopping, more like window shopping as the intent... initially.... buuuut, it's just a great way to check which styles fit you or don't. Comparing prices too! However, I still think online shopping in general is cheaper and so much more convenient.
U KNOW U ♥ ME = (through my eyes) U-KNOW, U ♥ ME or just screw the U and U-KNOW ♥ ME

 [awkward silence]
Okay.... maybe it's just the stress from tests ey? I'm might need to start haloperidol if I keep hallucinating like this HAHAHAHAHA

And to end this gossipy post, I'm SO looking forward to Poseidon drama which Yunho is in!! Go go go~ Salvation would only come with sacrifice! <-- which is so so true!

Some of the requirements for Poseidon application for males:
  • Had to be at least 175cm tall or more
  • Had to be strong swimmer but also be able to participate in training for scuba diving & basic Coast Guard training. 
  • Be able to train intensely for diving and police training. 
  • Since a requirement when sending in personal profile with the application is to attach an upper body pic, the men must have strong, attractive upper body
Yunho passed all these requirements! duh~ And the rest of the male cast would be eye-candy too~ I can't wait I can't wait till 2011!

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